I am in a rut. I have not been in a rutfor a long time. I am happy. I am thankful for my life, surroundings, accomplishments, situation, my gifts. I am appreciative of all that I am and have. Sometimes we get comfortable and stop moving forward. At times we feel that security blanket around us and lose sight of our ultimate goal. At least I know my ultimate goal in life is to inspire. It always has been. The only way I can inspire the way I am called to is on a large scale. The only way I can handle inspiring on a larger scale is to be able to be an inspiration to one person. The ONLY way to be able to be an inspiration to one person is to love. Love myself and therefore loving others is natural. I even have to love the people that do not want to be loved. I also have to remember to love the people that are fake and mysterious. I do have to remember to love people all around me even the people that do not love me.
That is the problem I face today. I am in a rut. I am letting fake people get to me. I am not wanting to or in the mood to love the people that do not love me. I am not a people pleaser but I am a person that does not like the drama of certain situations and tend to shy away from it. Shy away is a weak word to describe what I do. I run like a madman away from it. Drama around me is toxic. People who lie to my face is hard to swallow. I guess it is Karma. I lied to people I loved once a time ago and it hurt them. I am around some toxic relationships daily I cannot avoid. I am facing a dilemma that I cannot avoid. I have allowed this situation to bother me, infect my happiness, take charge of my peace. I have to regain composure and march forward attacking the negativity. I know it is easier said than done but I know It can be done. My first step is to be happy...for which I am already. The second is to empower my life with lovely happy encouraging activities. PAINTING!. I have not been painting. I have not been interacting with Art as a daily supplement. As artists if we are away from our passion it becomes a scenario of being in the middle of the mojave desert and no water. We will dehydrate. We will choke from hunger. We will cease to function.
The base of this post is to remember who you are at all times. Remember you love for life. Love your life and all around you. Not everyone is going to be like you. Not everyone is going to be positive on the inside and out. They will fake and lie to put on a show. The truth always shows to us. We are empathetic people who feel their pain. It is toxic for us to be around them and allow them in our special place. Our soul is for inspiration not for someone to suck our life out. It is not for them to drain us of our happiness and joy. It is ofr them to see us as an example. But they will not see it that way. hang on. Dont complain about them. Do not give them any control over you. They control with their influence of shit. They will infect you with their lies and deception of loyalty and turn on you when you look them in the eyes. Put on the shield of love.
"That is the problem I face today. I am in a rut. I am letting fake people get to me." These words could have been said by me... I have the problem of being a people pleaser to boot.