It is not a matter of subject matter that keeps us from continuing to create. It is not a matter of us not having enough passion. It is not a Decision we make that we do not feel like doing anything for that moment in time. The reason we do not create for long stretches of time is because of our surroundings. If we surround ourselves with negative it detracts from our positive thoughts and feelings. There are some who say that our negative experiences do motivate us and inspire for some interesting work. Yes that is very true. But in order to create...MOST of us have to be in the right settings or environment which are under our control.
If you want to discover yourself and who you are talk to your soul. In order to do that you need to meditate. You need to talk to your inner self and search inside for what the script is. What will you be painting about? Where is your character coming out in your work? There are so many variables that we process to display in our work. We need to adjust and embark on the truth when it comes to your heart and soul which is your work. We need to be able to connect hinestly with your following, People can read right through us when they see our work. It is not so much the process but the arrangement. the use of materials. The placement of color. We need to let ourselves go. We cannot do this with chaos around us. If there are people you are connecting with because you feel they are good for your carreer yet they are stressing you out...then ....remove them. Move on! Let it go! Even if your art is just for you. It is something you love and it is good for you. It is good to create and collaborate. We need to let our collective juices flow. We need to. We will die a paintful death without our first love. Our first love because we are born creating. We are intuitively trying to make the world a better place. Love Live Laugh And Create!
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